Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: lecture tickets

Gough's Lecture Ticket, Seamen's Friend Society, M…

04 Dec 2023 2 205
John B. Gough (1817-1886) was a "United States temperance orator," meaning that he lectured about the evils of alcohol. For a brief discussion of his career, see John B. Gough (1817-1886): The Temperance Orator as Revivalist . I haven't been able to determine the location of the Seamen's Friend Society where Gough delivered this lecture. The group may have been the Boston Seaman's Friend Society , the American Seaman's Friend Society in New York, the Woman's Seamen's Friend Society of Connecticut, or another organization with a similar name. For another nineteenth-century ticket, see Grand Temperance Lecture Ticket . Gough's Lecture. Seamen's Friend Society. May 4, 1865. Parquette. Seat H No. 18 Thursday, May 4. Retain this portion of the ticket, as it secures your seat.

Grand Temperance Lecture Ticket

12 Dec 2022 1 234
A nineteenth-century ticket for a temperance lecture, date and location unknown. Grand Temperance Lecture 10 Cents, Admit One.

Rev. Dr. G. F. Krotel, Whom to Marry, Lecture Tick…

06 Oct 2017 2 1 710
"Lecture, Fulton Hall, Thursday even'g, March 13, 1878. Rev. Dr. G. F. Krotel. Subject: 'Whom to Marry.' Express Print." Gottlob Frederick Krotel (1826-1907) was the pastor of the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, from 1853 to 1862. As this ticket indicates, he returned to Lancaster on March 13, 1873, to deliver a lecture titled "Whom to Marry" at Fulton Hall , which is known today as the Fulton Opera House or Fulton Theatre. The Reading Times (Reading, Pa.) for Saturday, March 15, 1873, p. 4, noted that the lecture took place--"Rev. Dr. Krotel told the people of Lancaster 'Whom to Marry' on Thursday evening"--but didn't reveal any of his marriage advice.

Aluminum Lecture Ticket, Lehigh University, April…

10 Jan 2017 2 691
"Lecture by Joseph W. Richards, M.A., A.C., M.S., on 'Aluminium.' The Chemical Society of the Lehigh University. April 28, 1891, 8:00 p.m. Please present this ticket at the door. Seat no. 15."