Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: classes

Grand Spelling Bee, Fair View School, Mechanicsvil…

18 Mar 2024 2 255
Katharine Hostetter Kauffman, later known as Katharine “Katie” Kauffman Herr (1886-1986), was the teacher who organized the spelling bee advertised on this handbill. For a similar item from a later event, see Spelling Bee, Terre Hill, Pa., April 3, 1925 . Come One! Come All! To a Grand "Spelling Bee" To Be Held at the Fair View School Near Mechanicsville along Manheim Trolley Road Saturday Eve., March 24, '06 Classes are as follows: Class I. Open to Pupils of 11 years and under. Class II. Open to all Public School Children. Class III. Arithmetical Contest, open to all. Class IV. General Information, open to all. 16 Valuable Prizes to be Distributed The Program will consist of Music, Phonograph and School Recitations and Dialogues General Admission - 10 Cts. Proceeds to be used for the School Library. Doors Open at 7 o'clock. Exercises begin at 7:30 o'clock. Katharine H. Kauffman, Teacher. Should the weather prove too unfavorable the Bee will be held the first fair evening following Monday. L. B. Herr Print, 51-53 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa.

Savage Elementary School, Grade 3, 1964-65

01 Jun 2020 2 2 514
An elementary school photo taken by a professional photographer for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. Sign: "Savage Elementary School, Mrs. Rhoads, Grade 3, 1964-65." Studio name on accompanying photo folder: "Mealey - Maryland." Although some students undoubtedly find their school to be a savage and unforgiving place, the name of this Savage Elementary School came from its location in the town of Savage , Maryland. The students have assembled in the library for their class photo. Some of the books on display on the top shelf behind them include Hercules: The Story of an Old-Fashioned Fire Engine (1940), A Fly Went By (1958), The Little Twin (1953), Stagecoach Sam (1940), and Caps for Sale (1940). Many of the students are wearing red-colored clothing, but the boy standing at the end of the fourth row in the upper right-hand corner of the photo is dressed in a grey shirt and pants with a "U.S. Army" patch over one shirt pocket. Similarly, the boy sitting on the floor at the end of the first row in the lower right-hand corner is wearing a blue uniform-like outfit with an "Air Force" patch on his shirt. Finally, notice how the boy at the end of the third row closed his eyes and scrunched up his face as the photographer snapped the picture.

A Halloween Masquerade Invitation! October 23, 192…

01 Nov 2019 1 586
I'm guessing that a masquerade held near the end of the month of October in the year MCMXX (or 1920 in Arabic numerals) would have had something to do with Halloween. One of the classes—juniors, sophomores, or freshmen—at an unidentified high school or college evidently created this invitation to ask the seniors to come to a party "garbed in costumes appropriate for th' occasion." Also, someone used a pencil on the invitation to darken the masquerader's ruffle and add lines to some of the squares in the plaid clothing design. A Masquerade! When? Saturday, October 25, MCMXX at 7:30 o'clock. Where? In the Conference Rm., News Bld'g. Hark, ye seniors: come garbed in costumes appropriate for th' occasion.

The Marietta Dancing Class, Second Sociable, Marie…

27 May 2019 1 595
A ticket or invitation for the "Second Sociable" held by the Marietta Dancing Class in Marietta, Pennsylvania, on February 22, 1887. I haven't been able to locate any information about the dancing class or Samuel B. Gramm 's role as instructor. The date of February 22 suggests that the dance may have been a celebration for George Washington's Birthday . The Marietta Dancing Class S. B. Gramm, instructor, Invite you to attend their Second Sociable, on Tuesday evening, Feb'y 22d, 1887, at the Marietta Rink Music by Taylor's Orchestra.

Class of 1912, Clearfield, Pennsylvania

19 Jun 2018 2 2 802
A real photo postcard with "McDowell Studio, Clearfield, Pa." embossed in the lower right-hand corner. "The Brown Family" is the only thing written on the other side. Nineteen graduating seniors—seventeen young woman and two young men—posed for this photo in 1912. Given the location of the photo studio, these may be Clearfield High School graduates, but I haven't been able to confirm that (one site— Old C.H.S. Yearbooks - The "Bison Project" —reproduces yearbooks from the school but the earliest one currently available is the1915 edition).

Heads of the Class of 1915, New Castle High School…

26 Apr 2018 2 414
Agnes Conrad circled her high school portrait (in the lower right-hand corner), which was part of a montage of 98 photos that formed the letters "NCHS" on a real photo postcard in 1915. For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard.

Heads of the Class of 1915, New Castle High School…

26 Apr 2018 2 460
For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard.

Heads of the Class of 1915, New Castle High School…

26 Apr 2018 2 421
For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard.

Heads of the Class of 1915, New Castle High School…

26 Apr 2018 3 2 596
"NCHS, Class of 1915, Photo by Seavy." The heads of 98 members of the class of 1915 at New Castle High School in New Castle, Pennsylvania, form the letters "NCHS" in this remarkable photographic montage by Edgar E. Seavy (for information about the photographer, see Seavy's Photo Studio - New Castle PA , a Lawrence County Memoirs article by Jeff Bales, Jr.). It must have been an exacting task to cut out and assemble the 98 portraits to form the letters and then re-photograph the whole thing in order to produce a real photo postcard like this one (mouse over the image to see enlargements of the left half , right half , and letter S ). Although the card is addressed on the back to "Miss Edna Wenger, Berlin, Pa.," there's no stamp or postmark, indicating that it was sent through the mail in an envelope rather than separately as a postcard. In addition to the address, the back of the card is filled with various notes, one of which says, "Here are the pictures of the class to be graduated this year. You will find me in the letter S [see the circled face]. We are all busy now getting ready for senior parties, junior-senior banquet, commencement, and class night. Agnes." Another note written later in a different hand identifies Agnes as "Papa's cousin, Agnes Conrad Allen. Head of state Rainbow Girls." So it was Agnes Conrad (her marriage to Charles E. Allen took place in 1920) whose photo appears in the S and who was busy getting ready for her high school graduation in 1915. As the note also suggested, she later served for over fifty years as a leader in the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls in Pennsylvania. After high school, Agnes graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, taught elementary school, worked as a newspaper reporter, and participated in several other organizations besides the Rainbow Girls before she passed away in 1983 at the age of 86 ("Mrs. Agnes Allen," obituary, New Castle News , Jan. 7, 1983, p. 3). Here are the rest of the notes that Agnes wrote on the back of the card: "I hope to see you all next year and then I suppose I will be able to tell you everything that has been going on and make up for lost time." "Tell your mother that my mother will write to her some time again. She is so busy now with house-cleaning. She speaks of cousin Lydia so often and how much she would like to see her." "Clara has been sick with tonsillitis but is almost well again. If I keep on writing, this will be a letter."

Joseph Brown's Singing Class!

23 Oct 2015 3 1 896
"Joseph Brown's Singing Class! Admit the bearer." I bought this well-worn singing class ticket in Clarion, Pennsylvania, and I suspect that it originated in Pennsylvania or another state sometime in the nineteenth century. Even so, it's interesting to note that a Joseph Brown was conducting a singing class in New Zealand in 1875 as indicated by this brief note, which appeared in Auckland's New Zealand Herald on page 3 of the November 19 issue: "The members of Mr. Joseph Brown's part-singing class announce their intention of giving a complimentary benefit to that gentleman at the Lorne-street Hall, on Monday evening next week." No mention of any green tickets used for admittance to the class, though.

Alberta Mays, Class of 1936, Mulberry High School,…

11 Jun 2018 1 1 481
A graduation photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. "Alberta Mays, Class of 1936, Mulberry High School, Mulberry, Ind. Kobel Studio. April 27, 1936." A unique graduation photo for Alberta Mays (no relation) that combines a portrait of the student, a photo of the high school, and an image of a calendar for the month of April 1936.

Sorry You Were Sick Last Sunday

18 Nov 2014 1 1 803
"Sorry you were sick last Sunday. Want to assure you of my sincere sympathy . Hope you will soon be well and able to meet with our class. A. B. C. No. 41. Copyright, 1913, the Standard Publishing Co., Cincinnati, O." For other don't-forget-to-attend-Sunday-school postcards, see One Out of Our Sunday-School Class Last Sunday and Hello! Who Is This? You're the One We're After .

Muhlenberg College Lecture Course, Allentown, Pa.,…

07 Dec 2020 2 2 283
Lecture Course, under the auspices of the Class of '84, Muhlenberg College. To be held in the College Chapel. Lectures to begin at 8 p.m. Jan. 21st.--Rev. Prof. M. H. Richards, "A Theatrical Part." Jan. 28th.--Rev. E. E. Higbee, D.D., "Classical Studies." Feb. 4th.--Rev. S. G. Wagner, D.D., "The Young Man of the Period." Feb. 11th.--Rev. J. J. Fry, D.D., "Wanted--A Man." Feb. 15th.--Rev. Prof. F. A. Muhlenberg, D.D., "Rhodes." Ex-Gov. A. G. Curtin (Date and subject to be announced later). Season tickets, $1.00. Ex-Gov. A. G. Curtin.

May Day Mayhem

01 May 2014 2 1220
Maypoles on May Day for the ABC Group (4/24/2017). Mouse over the image above to see close-ups of the maypole on the left and the maypole on the right . This real photo postcard shows the organized chaos of May Day festivities at a playground or schoolyard--location and date unknown, unfortunately--where two groups of students are dancing around two maypoles as other students and adults view the proceedings. Could this be a maypole dance competition between two classes or schools? Are the two groups racing to see who will be the first to finish weaving their ribbons around their maypole? It's not clear whether this is a competition, but it's interesting to note that older boys are holding up each maypole while girls wearing dark-colored skirts dance around one of them and girls in light-colored skirts dance around the other. Also, many of the boys standing in the background beyond the maypoles are wearing shirts emblazoned with the letter E, so I suppose it's possible that the clothes are athletic uniforms reflecting different classes or schools. In any case, even if we can't tell exactly what's going on, the image provides an intriguing glimpse at a May Day celebration from days gone by.

May Day Mayhem (Maypole on the Right)

01 May 2014 1082
For more information, see the full version of this photo .

May Day Mayhem (Maypole on the Left)

01 May 2014 1 1018
For more information, see the full version of this photo .

The World Is Before Us, Class of 1884

27 Feb 2017 537
Class of '84. Blanche Wilhelm, Mamie Moss, Minnie I. Wright, Maggie M. Waltman, Mame E. Jones, Omie Tilton, Joseph A. Cameron, Joseph N. Wright, Albert E. May. Mundus ante nos est [the world is before us].

Spelling Bee, Terre Hill, Pa., April 3, 1925

26 Aug 2013 1687
Spelling Bee to be held at the West Terre Hill School, Friday eve., April 3, 1925. There will be three classes: 1st--Spelling, open to pupils 14 years and under. 2nd--Spelling, open to all. 3rd--General information class. Three prizes given each class. A special program will be rendered, consisting of recitations, dialogues, and singing. Admission, 15c. Everybody invited. Doors open 7:00. Bee to buzz, 7:30. Helena Becker, teacher. Times Print, Terre Hill, Pa.

20 items in total