Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: big animal

The Rabbits Aren't Really That Big

02 Sep 2015 2 1469
A real photo postcard addressed on the back to Miss Rose Gill, Oak Street, Tyrone, Pennsylvania, and postmarked August 16, 1947. Message: "Dear Rose, This was taken near Albuquerque, N.M., on Aug. 15, 1947. Kids weren't washed or combed yet, and the rabbits aren't really that big. Love, Mrs. Preacher." For another example of small kids posing with a big bunny, see Giant Jack Rabbit, Ogallala, Nebr.

Giant Jack Rabbit, Ogallala, Nebr.

21 Nov 2013 2 2474
Anyone know where this big bunny hopped off to? I couldn't find any trace of him through Google. For another roadside rabbit posing with small children, see The Rabbits Aren't Really That Big .