Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: volvelles
Philadelphia Electric Company Wheel Chart, ca. 193…
30 Sep 2018 |
The reverse of an advertising wheel chart promoting the use of electricity. For more information, see the front side .
The average cost of operating an electric refrigerator of about 7 cu. ft. capacity is $1.40 per month.
The cost to heat water on the off peak heat storage rate for an average family using a 50 gallon electric heater is about $3.50 per month.
The cost of using an electric range for an average family is less than $3.00 per month.
Note: The hours of use shown on the other side are based on the cost of current in each step of the Residence Tariff.
Whitehead-Hoag, Newark, N.J.
Philadelphia Electric Company Wheel Chart, ca. 193…
30 Sep 2018 |
In January 1934, the Philadelphia Electric Company (now PECO) was the first utility to license the Reddy Kilowatt character to promote electricity usage, according to Wikipedia. The early date may explain why Reddy's first name is misspelled as "Ready" on this advertising wheel chart , which demonstrates how far 5 cents worth of electricity goes in operating appliances like clocks, coffee percolators, and radios.
See also the other side of this wheel chart.
Philadelphia Electric Company
For 5c spent for electricity you can operate your electric appliances fort the number of hours indicated in opening, says Ready Kilowatt (Your Electrical Servant).
Hours--If your monthly electric bill is from 75c to $2.75; $2.75 to $5.00; over $5.00.
100 watt lamp. Hand iron. Vacuum cleaner. Washer. Radio. Toaster. Percolator. Fan. Clock. 60 watt lamp.
How Quickly Can You Stop?
30 Apr 2015 |
For the other side of this wheel chart , see the Keystone Automobile Club Safe Driving Calculator (below).
"How Quickly Can You Stop? The average stopping distances in the Keystone Calculator are based on the average breaking distance plus the distance covered in ¾ of a second, which is the average 'reaction time,' the period which elapses between the instant danger is observed and the actual application of the brakes. . . . Keystone Automobile Club. The Motorist's Friend Since 1906."
Keystone Automobile Club Safe Driving Calculator
30 Apr 2015 |
For the other side of this wheel chart , see How Quickly Can You Stop? (below).
"Keystone Automobile Club Safe Driving Calculator. Miles per hour: 55. Feet per second: 81. Average stopping distance: 271. See other side."
The Cuthbertson Verb Wheels: German, 1938
30 Apr 2015 |
This Cuthbertson wheel chart displayed the different conjugations for German verbs, but versions for other languages were also available.
Gübelin Watches and Clocks Show the Time Anytime A…
30 Apr 2015 |
This advertising wheel chart for Gübelin watches and clocks displays the difference in time around the world and includes a "bright Swiss coin" to "bring you luck."
Prudential's Calorie Counter
30 Apr 2015 |
1. Turn calorie wheel to "0" in small window.
2. Insert finger in notch indicating the calorie count for each item of food eaten. Push
notch to bottom of slot.
3. Read total calories in window. It will add up to the total for each meal.
For extremely heavy meals, where calorie wheel makes more than one complete revolution, add 1000 to total shown.
Nick Manoloff's Modern Accompaniment Guide for Spa…
30 Apr 2015 |
"To accompany any key the student should know either the name of the key or find the number of sharps or flats in the piece he will play. Then turn the disk until the arrows point to the desired key or key signature...."
United States Turn and Learn Chart
30 Apr 2015 |
Advertisement on the back: "All leather Triangle Brand Shoes. Sturdy good looking shoes for husky boys. Dainty styles for growing girls. They last longer. Pleasant View Store, general merchandise, Nuangola Sta., Pa."
This wheel chart or volvelle was an advertising giveaway intended for children, who could turn the interlocking paper wheels to display information about each American state. The arrow at the top of the wheel points to Pennsylvania ("Penn."), for instance, and corresponding text visible in the small windows on the map reveal that Pennsylvania's capital is Harrisburg, its principal city is Philadelphia, it gained statehood in 1787, and other tidbits of information.
See below for a variety of other wheel charts on various topics.
Dist-O-Map North East
30 Apr 2015 |
"1. Set arrow to city nearest starting point. 2. Read mileage in window of destination. 3. Principal highways are shown in red."
Outer Space Guide
30 Apr 2015 |
Outer Space Guide
Instructions: Find desired planet on this wheel. Set it opposite arrow on bottom piece. In windows provided find answers.
Diameter in miles. Period of revolution around sun. Mass (Earth = 1.00).
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
Multiplication Table of Simple Numbers from 1 to 1…
09 May 2014 |
"Multiplication Table from 1 to 12 of Simple Numbers. H. C. Barnhart, bookseller & stationer, 27 West Market St., York, Pa. Multiplication Table from 1 to 12. Designed and copy-righted 1891 by Richard Raby."
Handwritten note on the back: "Got from teacher H. D. Rebert. Jennie May Case."
A Victorian-era vovelle or wheel chart that rotates to provide students and others with a line-by-line version of a multiplication table for numbers from 1 to 12 (with calculations from 1 x 1 = 1 up to 12 x 12 = 144).
Henry C. Barnhart advertised his bookstore in York, Pa., by stamping his name and address on this wheel chart.
Know Your Presidents
21 Mar 2014 |
Know Your Presidents. Note: The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. indicate order of succession. The abbreviation D for Democrat, R for Republican, Fed for Federalist.
Swing to Ortlieb's, Philadelphia's famous beer. Henry F. Ortlieb Brewing Co., Phila., Pa.
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