Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: Scranton

A Picture of My Niece Who Has the Consumption (Cro…

28 Jun 2017 3 442
Jennie B. Dorsey, left, and her aunt, Mrs. Amanda J. (Dorsey) Watkins, in Clarksburg, West Virginia. For more information, see the full version of this real photo postcard:

A Picture of My Niece Who Has the Consumption

28 Jun 2017 2 5 651
A picture that tells a sad story (either in the photo or written on the back) for the Vintage Photos Theme Park. The woman at left on the front of this real photo postcard is Jennie B. Dorsey, who was visiting her aunt (her father's sister), Mrs. Amanda J. (Dorsey) Watkins, in Clarksburg, West Virginia, in 1911 (mouse over the image above for a close-up view of the women). As Amanda wrote on the back of the card, "This is a picture of my niece who has the consumption," which was another term for tuberculosis , an incurable infectious disease at the time. On the front of the card, Amanda added, "She has been failing ever since she returned to her home in Scranton, Pa." Sadly, Jennie did pass away the following year on April 3, 1912. She was only 24 years old, and her death certificate listed the cause of her death as pulmonary tuberculosis. This real photo postcard was postmarked in Columbus, Ohio, on July 13, 1911. It was addressed to Miss Lizzie Seitz, Post Office Box, Muncie, Ind. Message on the front of the postcard: Jennie Dorsey & Mrs. Watkins in Clarksburg, W.Va. She has been failing ever since she returned to her home in Scranton, Pa. Message on the other side: Dear Miss Seitz, This is a picture of my niece who has the consumption and I on our lawn, and this is the house we live in. We are at the camp for 2 days. We are not very well in body. Will write more in a letter soon. We all send love. So sorry about your eyes. Use salt water diluted and get the juice of a grape vine. Be careful, don't use strong medicine. Be careful and rest them all you can. I cured mine with salt water.

C. B. Winchell, Harrisburg, Pa.

21 Mar 2018 1 584
"Presented by C. B. Winchell, Harrisburg, Pa." This inscription, handwritten in elaborate Spencerian script , appears on the reverse of a business card for "E. R. Parker, manufacturer and dealer in new hardware specialties, 227½ Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa."

E. R. Parker, Hardware Specialties Manufacturer an…

21 Mar 2018 1 598
"E. R. Parker, manufacturer and dealer in new hardware specialties, 227½ Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Parker's Patent Combined Clamp and Filing Guide." Handwritten in elaborate Spencerian script on the other side of this business card: "Presented by C. B. Winchell, Harrisburg, Pa." The illustration of "Parker's Patent Combined Clamp and Filing Guide" refers to a patent for an "Improvement in Saw-Clamp and Filing-Guide" (see below) that was issued to Edwin R. Parker in 1879. Improvement in Saw-Clamp and Filing-Guide . U.S. Patent No. 219,650, dated September 16, 1879. "Be it known that I, Edwin R. Parker, of Scranton, in the county of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, have invented a certain new and Improved Saw-Clamp and Filing-Guide . . . . The object in making this invention is to produce a convenient instrument or machine for clamping and holding the saw-teeth and guiding the file in filing all sizes of circular and mill saws of any gage, size, and shape of teeth, and whether the saw be on the arbor or removed therefrom; and the improvements consist, respectively, in the several devices, and in the combinations and sub-combinations, as hereinafter described and claimed."

I'm Bugs About Skating at Skateaway, Scranton, Pa.

16 Jan 2015 4 1665
"I'm bugs 'bout skatin' at Skateaway, Scranton, Pennsylvania." A roller skating rink label.

Jonas Lauer, the Clothier & Gents' Furnisher

26 Sep 2015 2 2 538
"Jonas Lauer, the clothier & gents' furnisher, 321 Lackawanna Ave., 321 Centre St., Scranton, Pa." Other similar Jonas Lauer trade cards feature an alligator , a dog , and an elephant .

Jonas Lauer the Clothier

26 Sep 2015 4 677
"Compliments of Jonas Lauer, the clothier, 321 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa." Other similar Jonas Lauer trade cards feature a dog , an elephant , and a goat .

Jonas Lauer the Clothier

26 Sep 2015 2 555
"Compliments of Jonas Lauer, the clothier, 321 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa." Other similar Jonas Lauer trade cards feature an an alligator , a dog , and a goat .

Jonas Lauer the Clothier

26 Sep 2015 2 651
"Compliments of Jonas Lauer, the clothier, 321 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa." Other similar Jonas Lauer trade cards feature an alligator , an elephant , and a goat .

Kintz and Eilenberger, Dealers in Fancy and Staple…

09 Jun 2014 1 659
"Kintz and Eilenberger, dealers in fancy and staple dry goods, Penn Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Next door to the St. Charles Hotel."

"Not Onto It," Charlie Ferguson, Pitcher, Philadel…

03 Mar 2014 1 2 2059
One in a series of baseball-themed advertising trade cards published in 1887 by Tobin, this card featured a caricature of Charlie Ferguson, who was a well-regarded pitcher for the Philadelphia Quakers team. Sadly, it turned out that 1887 was the final season that Ferguson played--he died from typhoid fever in April 1888. -------- "Philadelphia. 'Not Onto It.' (Ferguson.) Tobin N.Y." "A. W. Schrader, manufacturer of all kinds of mineral waters, also bottler of lager and porter. Private families supplied at short notice. 726 and 728 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. Telephone connection."