Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: world

World Type Writer—Rapid, Durable, Practical, Simpl…

28 Sep 2020 2 479
The World Type Writer logo from The Type-Writer's Exchange Billhead, Philadelphia, Pa., 1890 . World Type Writer, $8.00 Rapid. Durable. Practical. Simple.

The Type-Writer's Exchange Billhead, Philadelphia,…

28 Sep 2020 4 1 444
An 1890 billhead for the Type-Writer's Exchange, a used office equipment store in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. See also an enlargement of the World Type Writer logo that appears in the upper left-hand corner of the billhead. The Type-Writer's Exchange . Second-hand type-writers and office equipment bought, sold, or exchanged. 46 South Fourth Street 1212 Market Street, Philadelphia, Jan. 16/90. Sold to E. W. Lapp, 1 letter press & stand, $4.00. Terms cash. Received payment. Typewriter Exchange per S. A. Smith. Logo: World Type Writer, $8.00. Rapid. Durable. Practical. Simple.

The Argus Vulcan Safety Matches

10 Jun 2019 4 1 820
A Swedish matchbox label branded with the names of Argus , the multi-eyed giant of Greek mythology, and Vulcan , the Roman god of fire. "The Argus Vulcan Safety Matches. Made at Sidaholm, Sweden. Contents 60 matches."

Santa's Got the Whole World in His Hands

09 Dec 2015 2 782
"A Merry Christmas. The world is mine, this night I think / Said jolly St. Nick with a knowing wink. / For the children all say that where're I stop / I leave pretty presents fresh from the shop."

Go to the Woods and Consult Dr. Squirrel

28 Dec 2014 3 3042
Who needs a regular doctor when you can make an appointment to see Dr. Squirrel? When the world's on "your nerves" And your head's in a whirl Just go to the woods And consult "Dr. Squirrel." His treatment's effective His charges are light You'll soon be convinced That the world is all right. Handwritten on the back of this postcard "Bloomsburg, Nov. 23, Wednesday morning. This card I thought would suit you, or probably a rabbit instead. I am all O.K., as Eugene says. I am going to send Bruce a Thanksgiving carol today." Addressed to: Mr. Verus Ritter, R.D. #1, Opp, Penna. Postmarked: Bloomsburg, Pa., Nov. 23, 1910, 12:30 p.m. Printed on back: Prince Pub. Co., Lancaster Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.

Half the World Is Nutty--The Rest Are Squirrels!

Uncle Sam Circling the Globe

26 Oct 2015 3 769
"American Seal tests are successful because of their high efficiency and lasting qualities."