Adrian Jones' photos with the keyword: Sweeney Fen

Terellia tussilaginis?

08 Oct 2014 6 656
A tiny fly possibly Terellia sp. (Tephritidae) at Sweeney Fen nature reserve, Shropshire in July 2014.

Marsh Helleborine (Epipactis palustris)

17 Jun 2014 6 2 516
The beautiful Marsh Helleborine (Epipactis palustris) are starting to bloom at Sweeney Fen in Shropshire.

Sweeney Fen Nature Reserve

17 Jun 2014 392
A view of the meadow known as Sweeney Fen where a host of special plants can be found.

Common Spotted Orchid

17 Jun 2014 5 1 387
A Common Spotted Orchid blooming at Sweeney Fen nature reserve.

Common Spotted Orchid

17 Jun 2014 1 310
A Common Spotted Orchid blooming at Sweeney Fen nature reserve.

Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi)

17 Jun 2014 2 311
Ragged Robin blooming at Sweeney Fen, Shropshire.