Adrian Jones' photos with the keyword: Shrewsbury shropshire

Slug Eggs

23 Mar 2023 6 1 154
A small batch of slug eggs found under a rotting branch in my garden, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.


17 Jun 2021 5 6 198
A backlit flower stem of Hypericum growing in my garden.

Tephritis neesii

25 Apr 2021 6 2 252
Tephritis neesii, a picture wing fly that is commonly found on Ox Eye Daisies. Shrewsbury, Shropshire, April 2021.

Picture Wing Fly

17 Jun 2015 578
These are a common sight on the Black Knapweed in my garden.

Anthocharis cardamines (Female)

30 Apr 2014 17 4 968
A beautiful female Orange Tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) at rest on Alliaria petiolata (Garlic Mustard), one of its larval food plants

Orchesella cincta

29 Mar 2014 3 1 655
A beautiful specimen of the springtail Orchesella cincta found at Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina)

29 Mar 2014 4 1 522
A Common Green Shieldbug introduces itself to me in my garden this afternoon.

Green Tortoise Beetle. (Cassida viridis)

16 Mar 2014 3 639
A nice specimen of the Green Tortoise Beetle (Cassida viridis). This one landed on the forget-me-nots in front of me and obligingly posed for a couple of shots before dropping off the leaf into the undergrowth never to be seen again.

Solitary Bee Megachile female

03 Sep 2013 4 3 639
A small solitary bee, a female Megachile sp. August 2013, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. My thanks to Nigel Jones for the ID.