Adrian Jones' photos with the keyword: Orchesella

Orchesella villosa

27 Jan 2018 5 10 509
A large speciment of the springtail Orchesella villosa. This one is about 6mm in length. Taken at Llanymynech Rocks on January 26th 2018.

Orchesella cincta

27 Jan 2018 7 8 495
A springtail, Orchesella cincta, feeding at Llanymynech Rocks nature reserve January 26th 2018. This one is about 4mm in length.

Orchesella villosa

01 Aug 2016 6 2 657
Orchesella villosa, a large springtail, about 4mm in length, seen in my garden today, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, August 1st 2016.

Orchesella cincta

29 Mar 2014 3 1 648
A beautiful specimen of the springtail Orchesella cincta found at Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

Orchesella cincta

17 Apr 2013 294
Springtail, Orchesella cincta.

Orchesella villosa

19 Jun 2012 309
This was one large springtail, best part of 10mm in length. Uncropped image.

Orchesella cincta.

19 Jun 2012 274
Another quite large springtail, this one was about 6 mm in length. Uncropped image.

Orchesella villosa ?

15 Mar 2012 235
A springtail, Orchesella villosa ? taken at about 4x magnification and uncropped.