Adam *'s photos with the keyword: wine


21 Jun 2010 1 829
Portuguese rosé in Kensington, London


29 May 2010 4 829
Near Mateus, which is near Vila Real, Portugal

Largo view

03 May 2010 10 2 1297
Largo da Oliveira, Guimaraes, Portugal


25 Apr 2010 917
Bar/restaurant 'Portugalia' in Braga, Portugal.

Barrels on the Douro

22 Jan 2010 3 2 946
Traditional river craft for transporting wine down the River Douro to Porto where it is transformed into Port.


18 Jan 2010 796
The warehouses of the Fonseca Port wine company on the left bank of the Douro in Porto


14 Dec 2009 705
Roofs of the Port wine factories along the south bank of the Douro in Porto, Portugal.

A glass of wine

07 Jan 2009 5 1 1079
Bangalore Turf Club viewed from the Member's Stand

In vino veritas

07 Jan 2009 4 1 1373
Bangalore Turf Club: the race-track viewed through a glass of wine

Wine and Pine

05 Jul 2008 633
An experiment with Photomatix HDR soft ware. I have no idea what I am doing, but this result looked quite interesting to me!

A glass of rosé

06 Apr 2008 4 5 1250
Kensington Place Restaurant, London

After the party

Beef casserole

25 Mar 2008 2 2 816
Served at the Elizabeth Mill Hotel, Sudbury, Suffolk


13 Jan 2008 3 788
India is a wine producer. The quality of the wines produced there improves steadily. What you see in this picture is very drinkable! "In 1988, Grover Vineyards was established on 40 acres of land at the foot of the Nandi Hills on the outskirts of Bangalore when; Kanwal K. Grover along with Kapil Grover took on the task of reviving wine drinking in India. Here nine varieties that responded well to Indian conditions were planted on an industrial scale. Today, Grover Vineyards has over 200 acres under plantation. Unlike other wine makers in India today, Grover Vineyards is the only company that shuns ordinary table grapes, while exclusively using only French wine grapes, selected from the original thirty-five varieties of the Vitis Vinifera species" (From )

In vino verre et face

La ville-en-verre

Stansted Radisson Hotel wine tower