Dimas Sequeira's photos with the keyword: Serpa

Renault Caravelle 1964.

12 Jan 2023 8 6 346
Spotted in the gas station on IP8, Serpa.

16th century house.

03 May 2017 2 1 462
At Terreiro de Dom João I, Serpa.

Town Hall.

10 Mar 2019 6 4 347
On top of Republic Square, historic centre of Serpa.

Sheep mural (II).

10 Mar 2019 4 2 256
Painting on wall at Serpa Pinto Street, Serpa.

Sheep mural (I).

09 Mar 2019 7 2 290
Painted on wall at Serpa Pinto Street, Serpa.

Saint Peter Chapel.

26 Apr 2018 16 12 479
At Parque de Campismo Street, Serpa.

Beja Gateway.

06 May 2017 3 2 359
The gateway is located between these towers, part of the ancient wall of Serpa, here topped by the aqueduct. The shot was taken from Arcos Street.

Serpa's Aqueduct.

05 May 2017 9 9 556
Viewed from Saint Peter Street.

Table with equipment to restore and repair watches…

05 May 2017 2 1 253
In Serpa's Watch and Clock Museum. Every piece of the museum's collection is regularly submitted to maintenance in this atelier.

Edward East clock (17th century).

05 May 2017 2 1 251
Very rare piece worldwide, displayed in the Watch and Clock Museum of Serpa. Deceiving focus occurs whenever flash is inhibited in indoor shots.

Standing clock and wall clocks.

04 May 2017 1 1 355
Displayed in Serpa's Watch and Clock Museum. Deceiving focus occurs whenever flash is inhibited in indoor shots. Every clock and watch in this museum works perfectly. They only don't wind them all because they are too many for little staff. Clocks display random time on purpose, to prevent regular coincident chimes, too disturbing for guided visits.

Wall and table clocks.

04 May 2017 1 1 306
Displayed in Serpa's Watch and Clock Museum. Deceiving focus whenever flash is inhibited in indoor shots.

Watch and Clock Museum.

04 May 2017 14 12 530
At Assento Street, in the historic centre of Serpa.

Standing in line for restoration.

04 May 2017 352
Waiting for better days while budget restrictions of financial crisis last: the 17th century Palace of the Counts of Ficalho, at Condes de Ficalho Square, Serpa.

Sustained collapse.

04 May 2017 2 1 345
Huge rock on top of the gate of Serpa's Castle got loosen on the earthquake of 1755. The structure underneath has been sustaining it ever since.

Historic centre of Serpa.

04 May 2017 2 3 293
Viewed from the castle.

View from Serpa's Castle.

03 May 2017 3 2 393
Barbican and Church of Saint Paul's Convent - this one adapted to hospital longtime ago - with countryside on the background.

Unfinished collapse.

03 May 2017 3 1 374
Gate of Serpa's Castle, seriously damaged by the earthquake of 1755.

24 items in total