Bruce Dean (Puchinpappy)'s photos with the keyword: Spain

Near Frigiliana

04 Oct 2021 8 3 241
Triumph Herald Convertible

View From Zahara

19 Jul 2017 21 8 628
Zahara de la Sierra, Cadiz province, Spain looking towards the turquoise waters of Embalse de Zahara-el Gastor.

An Offer You Can't Refuse

06 Jul 2017 4 5 254
No horses were harmed in the production of this sand sculpture. On the Beach of Torremolinos, Spain.

Seville Procession

09 Jun 2017 2 2 219
Check out the eyes behind that hood.

Procession Passes the Cathedral

08 Jun 2017 4 2 477
Semena Santa, 2017, Sevilla.

Pastoral Power

02 Jun 2017 3 1 613
An evening view from Hacienda El Santiscal near Arcos de la Frontera, Spain.

El Rocio

01 Jun 2017 2 2 476
There is an old west feel to this place right down to the hitching posts in front of the homes.

Evening Stroll

View From the Watchtower

Castillo de Zahara de la Sierra

Lesser Kestrel

16 May 2017 10 7 524
Found on the side of a fortification in Tarifa, Spain. He has found some matching colours on this wall. He blends right in.

Grazalema, Spain

Flamingos on Landing Approach

06 May 2017 12 7 395
Flamingos in Donana National Park, Spain.

Black Kite Hiding in Plain Sight

02 May 2017 8 3 419
We required the keen eye of our guide to spot this Black Kite in the tree from our bus tour through Donana National Park, Spain. I had to take this one through the door of the bus.

Dali Theatre-Museum Exterior

Blue Tit

14 Jun 2016 14 9 308
I captured this little one in Spain shortly after leaving Andorra. Common to everyone in Europe but a delightful discovery for me.

Cloud Avalanche

26 Apr 2016 13 3 411
The clouds appear to be rolling over this Spanish Pyrenees mountain like an avalanche.

Spanish Pyrenese with Fence