sps1955's photos with the keyword: Gates

Cambridge - Peterhouse - gates to the Master's Lod…

27 Dec 2015 162
Piers of 1702 with later flanking walls and wrought iron gates of 1928: www.historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/13... .

London - British Medical Association - Courtyard f…

11 Nov 2014 166
The wrought-iron war memorial screen and gates of 1926, designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, seen through the entrance arch of the Tavistock Square front , with the west front of Lutyens' building , originally designed as the headquarters of the British Theosophical Society from 1911, but completed for the BMA, 1923-5, beyond. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1378968 .

Cambridge: Clare College 2014-01-13

19 Jan 2014 99
The W. gates to Queen's Road, piers of 1691 with ironwork of 1713-15. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1332170 ; RCHM: www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=128388 .

Cambridge: Clare College 2014-01-13

19 Jan 2014 106
From W., showing the gates of 1713-15 and the bridge of 1639-40, with the W front of the college beyond. List description for bridge: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1125549 ; for gateway: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1125551 ; RCHM: www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=128388 .

Anglesey Abbey 2013-01-17

17 Jan 2013 123
View on to the East Lawn from the Winter Walk. Gates by John Creed for the National Trust, 2010: "They aim to create harmony between nature and man using bold understatement of form with weathering and stainless steel for two gates placed within an autumnal setting": www.creedmetalwork.com/Anglesey-Abbey-Gardens-Gates.html

Derby: Gates to the Silk Mill 2012-12-10

10 Dec 2012 121
By Robert Bakewell, c.1730, for Sir Thomas Lombe who, with his half brother, John, was a pioneer of silk manufacture in England. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1229981 .