Jeff Nicholson's photos with the keyword: Tamarack

Desolation-II 21

Desolation-II 20

Desolation-II 19

14 Jul 2021 28
Heather Lake was pretty picturesque but a bit rocky for camping.

Desolation-II 18

Desolation-II 17

Desolation-II 16

14 Jul 2021 29
Nameless pond along the route.

Desolation-II 15

14 Jul 2021 29
Heather Lake north in the distance.

Desolation-II 14

14 Jul 2021 27
PCT goes north to Dicks Pass, which we reached on a different backpacker out of Emerald Bay, Tahoe side.

Desolation-II 13

14 Jul 2021 24
Western end of Aloha Lake with Mosquito Pass beyond.

Desolation-II 12

Desolation-II 11

Desolation-II 10

Desolation-II 09

14 Jul 2021 33
Arriving at the very scenic Aloha Lake.

Desolation-II 08

14 Jul 2021 33
Passing Lake Margery.

Desolation-II 07

14 Jul 2021 31
Passing Tamarack Lake.

Desolation-II 06

Desolation-II 05

14 Jul 2021 25
Hiking west and gaining altitude, looking back on the Echo Lakes.

Desolation-II 04

14 Jul 2021 31
Jungle Cruise type channel that connect Echo Lake with Upper Echo Lake.

26 items in total