Graham Chance's photos with the keyword: Oldbury


15 Jul 2021 6 5 138
Part of the elevated section of the M5 Motorway at Titford Pools, Oldbury. HDR image from 3 exposures (one stop underexposed, four stops underexposed and two stops overexposed) merged together in Photoshop

Langley Maltings

01 Jul 2021 11 10 160
Langley Maltings, Titford Canal, Langley, Oldbury.

Birchley Island

27 Jan 2019 7 8 251
Traffic trails at Birchley Island, Oldbury.

Into the city

24 Jan 2019 10 8 332
Traffic trails on the A4123.

Titford Pumphouse

12 Dec 2018 13 8 240
Titford Pumphouse on the Titford Canal, Oldbury, West Midlands.