The Limbo Connection's photos with the keyword: village

Dingle Dell

15 Oct 2024 4 1 52
Nikon D2Xs with Nikkor 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6 AF-D lens.

Walls and Hedges

04 Oct 2024 1 72
Nikon D700 + Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 AI lens.

A Ghost Smiling Across A Crowded Room

11 Apr 2024 2 2 77
A warm early autumn afternoon. A chance discovery of a white elephant sale in a little visited village yard. Not exclusively cricket memorabilia, but predominantly of stuff on that theme. There seemed to be so much on display that I surmised that scarcely anything had attracted buyers. Nowhere was a stall owner to be seen; no-one emerged as I rummaged. The quietness was dense. One of those strange moments which seemed of little significance at the time. A cursory glance at this and that, I took a couple of photographs, and that was that. Yet curiously the memory is strong and persistent, like a ghost smiling across a crowded room.

Church Street, Steeple Ashton

08 Jul 2020 119
Nikon D2Xs + AF-S Nikkor 18-200mm lens.

Places - Little Somerford

Steeple Ashton - Church Street

19 Aug 2019 1 115
Nikon D2Xs + Nikkor-O.C Auto f/2 35mm lens. 100 ISO; f/5.6; 1/90th.

Nikkor 28mm f/3.5 AI Lens on Crop Sensor

03 May 2019 3 2 169
Nikon D2Xs + 28mm Nikkor f/3.5 AI lens. Interviewed for ‘Camera & Darkroom’ magazine during the 1980s, Sally Mann ( said she had supported her artwork by doing lots of small freelance jobs. For this work she often used a 40mm Zuiko lens on a 35mm camera. She felt that 40mm was "about right." The field of view provided by a 28mm lens on a crop sensor camera is very close to 40mm. Therefore it might suit photographers who felt that, for their purposes, 50mm was a bit too long and 35mm was a bit too wide.

An English Village

09 Oct 2018 117
Photographed with a Nikkor 20mm f/3.5 AI-S lens on a Nikon D700 camera.

Cattle Grazing in The Avenue Crop Edit

25 Sep 2018 127
Nikon D2Xs + Tamron 70-210mm f/2.8 LD SP (67DN) lens.

Thatched Cottage, Avebury

22 Sep 2018 106
I love chocolates.

Seend, Wiltshire: Church of the Holy Cross

19 Sep 2018 2 151
The historian, writer, and politician Alan Clark - the elder son of Lord Clark of Civilisation - lived in Seend during the 1970s. Before moving to the eastern end of the village he lived next door to the Church of the Holy Cross and wrote a history of it. He described the church as 'a fine structure dating from about 1450 and situated on the south side of Seend ridge, with open views across the Lavingtons to the northern edge of Salisbury Plain which forms the skyline some ten miles distant. Visitors enter the churchyard through an elegant wrought iron gate surmounted by a suspended lantern. This was beautifully restored in 1962 in memory of Sylvia Cassels’. Nikon D700 + Nikkor 28mm f/2 AI lens. This is a crop. I ought to have used a lens of longer focal length from the place I took this picture.

Seend, Wiltshire: A Particular Part of a Brick Wal…

19 Sep 2018 146
The lower levels of this wall have been repointed and furthermore the brick is more recent and a bad match. I cropped most of it out because it was so unattractive. I need to revisit with a macro lens before any more "improvement" and "restoration" takes place. It is curious how older brick has been laid above newer. Reclaimed, presumably. Yet it could have been done so much better. A wall need not be strictly utilitarian. Nikon D700 + Nikkor 28mm f/2 AI lens.

Seend, Wiltshire: Cottage on the High Street

06 Sep 2018 117
Nikon D700 + Nikkor 28mm f/2 AI lens.

Seend, Wiltshire: Garden Borders

06 Sep 2018 1 1 75
Nikon D700 + Nikkor 28mm f/2 AI lens.

Seend, Wiltshire: Church Lane

06 Sep 2018 89
Nikon D700 + Nikkor 28mm f/2 AI lens. Friendship This little ditty was written by R. Robert Paine of Seend on 17th October 1701 Remember well and bare in miend A trust friend is hard to fiend When you have fouend one that is trusty and trew Then do not change him for A Knew. [Source WHSC 653/32]

Seend, Wiltshire: Post Office

06 Sep 2018 1 101
Nikon D700 + Nikkor 28mm f/2 AI lens.

Seend, Wiltshire: High Street

06 Sep 2018 102
Nikon D700 + Nikkor 28mm f/2 AI lens.

24 items in total