Ben Salter's photos with the keyword: Victorian

Margam reflection

10 Jan 2011 107
I think most people took this shot on the day!


10 Jan 2011 144
The view up the stairwell in the house.

Orangey light

10 Jan 2011 103
Outside the orangery (The largest in the UK apparently?)

Margam House

10 Jan 2011 100
A view of the frontage and formal garden.

Stag night

10 Jan 2011 133
Opening a bag of crisps seemed to get their attention?

The Sunday School teacher

Bow down before God

16 Mar 2010 84
Gravestones slowly falling over as the hillside subsides beneath them.

Faded grandeur

Monuments & tombs

Covering the past

Peaceful pathway

27 items in total