Ben Salter's photos with the keyword: post

GWR 20 991

11 May 2011 86
Detail of one of the signals that used to direct Paddle Steamer traffic to the landing stages in Cardiff Bay. The title is what is stamped on the balance weight of the signal lever.

A wet field

15 Nov 2010 76
Wet and boggy underfoot

Every which way!

08 Nov 2009 67
Decisions, decisions.....


30 Sep 2009 76
Probably wise not to venture further out?

Gas attack!

18 Feb 2012 89
Some fun down in the flooded Royal Observer Corps post near Penarth with fellow flickr buddy Timegrabber in the gas mask and gimp suit!


18 Feb 2012 126
Some fun down in the flooded Royal Observer Corps post near Penarth with fellow flickr buddy Timegrabber.


18 Feb 2012 88
Some fun down in the flooded Royal Observer Corps post near Penarth with fellow flickr buddy Timegrabber in the gas mask and gimp suit.

Gimme shelter

18 Feb 2012 89
Some fun down in the flooded Royal Observer Corps post near Penarth with fellow flickr buddy Timegrabber in the gas mask and gimp suit.


18 Feb 2012 90
Some fun at the flooded Royal Observer Corps post near Penarth with fellow flickr buddy Timegrabber in the gas mask.

Queens Rd Post Office

11 Nov 2008 78
Sadly no more, and converted to flats.


27 Nov 2007 85
This little chap was giving it his all!

20 items in total