Ben Salter's photos with the keyword: stalls

Hopeful sparrow

15 Oct 2009 82
Sitting near one of the cafe's.


15 Oct 2009 66
View over the market.

The BIG clock

15 Oct 2009 65
Everite Time?

Elvis hasn't left the building

15 Oct 2009 50
The lift is out of order.

Typically Tropical

15 Oct 2009 71
This Rastafarian sits by a VERY small coconut tree under a sun shade brolly miles from Jamaica.


15 Oct 2009 69
Great memories whilst looking at some of the album covers here.

Cardiff time

15 Oct 2009 1 68
The market clock.

100% human hair £20

15 Oct 2009 63
Rather puts me off.


15 Oct 2009 63
I remember this box when I was a child, it still had the Button A and Button B. View On Black


15 Oct 2009 65
Its all a bit red, white and green here!

Coffee break

15 Oct 2009 70
Lots of crockery going on here.

Market stalls

15 Oct 2009 48
I love the smells in this place.

Something fishy

15 Oct 2009 56
This one's especially for flickr pal Time Grabber.

Meat feast

15 Oct 2009 70
Pork chops anyone?

Central Market

04 Dec 2007 74
Another view from 2004

Central Market

04 Dec 2007 79
An older view from 2004.


20 Jul 2007 81
Which bit do you eat exactly?