amylsacks' photos with the keyword: sweet potato

Heinz Ketchup Booklet, c1958 (6)

11 Oct 2019 1 165
As for the smoldering rivalries amongst our friends in the vegetable kingdom, I think I'd rather not know the details.

Around The Kitchen Clock With Walnuts (5), c1930

05 May 2011 207
The bird's quite modestly proportioned. This is definitely from before the era of shooting hormones and antibiotics into everything in sight.

Menu Magic (10), 1938

03 Jan 2013 168
Some of these dishes sound okay to me. I would absolutely attempt the croquettes if my kitchen was suited to deep frying. The mallow-sweet potato combo never did it for me, though. At childhood holiday dinners, I used to trail the person who only wanted the mallow part of the dish. After they'd done their discreet skimming, I'd move in and take what they'd left behind. Win-win.