Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: Tudela

Tudela - Catedral de Santa Maria

17 Jan 2014 1 182
The Catedral de Santa Maria in Tudela was erected late 12th century on the place, where the Great Mosque of Tudela (9th c.) had stood before. The cathedral is really large (65m x 52m) but unfortunately was closed, so I could not see the well known cloister. I was very impressed by the late-Romanesque "Puerta del Juicio". The slightly pointed portal, created wirthin the 13th century, has eight archivolts and 122 different icons. This is one of 16 (!) capitals of the "Puerta del Juicio", it is pretty damaged, but I was surprised by the dromedary (aka "Arabian camel"). This scene may depict Noah's Ark, but I am not sure. To the right, God is talking to Noah. Under the arch to the left are four persons (Noah´s family?) and below the small ark with a lion (?). The dromedary seems ready to embark.

Tudela - Catedral de Santa Maria

16 Jan 2014 1 187
The Catedral de Santa Maria in Tudela was erected late 12th century on the place, where the Great Mosque of Tudela (9th c.) had stood before. The cathedral is really large (65m x 52m) but unfortunately was closed, so I could not see the well known cloister. I was very impressed by the late-Romanesque "Puerta del Juicio". The slightly pointed portal, created wirthin the 13th century, has eight archivolts and 122 different icons. The right side of the portal gives the onlooker an inside view into the heaven, that seems to be a very communicative place. All "members" here wear a nimbus - and crowns and mitras are allowed as well.

Tudela - Catedral de Santa Maria

16 Jan 2014 1 169
The Catedral de Santa Maria in Tudela was erected late 12th century on the place, where the Great Mosque of Tudela (9th c.) had stood before. The cathedral is really large (65m x 52m) but unfortunately was closed, so I could not see the well known cloister. I was very impressed by the late-Romanesque "Puerta del Juicio". The slightly pointed portal, created wirthin the 13th century, has eight archivolts and 122 different icons. On the left side is an insight view into hell. There are as well people at work. Just below the butcher and his dog (previous upload) is a cloth merchant discussing quality and price of the linen or even silk with a prospective customer. The cloth must be pretty expensive, as it is stored in a chest, that could be locked. Note the keyhole.

Tudela - Catedral de Santa Maria

16 Jan 2014 1 164
The Catedral de Santa Maria in Tudela was erected late 12th century on the place, where the Great Mosque of Tudela (9th c.) had stood before. The cathedral is really large (65m x 52m) but unfortunately was closed, so I could not see the well known cloister. I was very impressed by the late-Romanesque "Puerta del Juicio". The slightly pointed portal, created wirthin the 13th century, has eight archivolts and 122 different icons. On the left side is an insight view into hell, but as well people at work. Here is a butcher, using a beam scale. Meat is placed on the table in front of him - and a dog is waiting for some snippets.

Tudela - Catedral de Santa Maria

16 Jan 2014 1 205
The Catedral de Santa Maria in Tudela was erected late 12th century on the place, where the Great Mosque of Tudela (9th c.) had stood before. The cathedral is really large (65m x 52m) but unfortunately was closed, so I could not see the well known cloister. I was very impressed by the late-Romanesque "Puerta del Juicio". The slightly pointed portal, created wirthin the 13th century, has eight archivolts and 122 different icons. On the left side is an insight view into hell, demons and devils at work. Two evil-looking devils hold a Luxuria. The left (horned?) devil holds a round object behind the Luxuria´s head. Maybe a mirror, symbol of vanity.

Tudela - Catedral de Santa Maria

16 Jan 2014 1 185
The Catedral de Santa Maria in Tudela was erected late 12th century on the place, where the Great Mosque of Tudela (9th c.) had stood before. The cathedral is really large (65m x 52m) but unfortunately was closed, so I could not see the well known cloister. I was very impressed by the late-Romanesque "Puerta del Juicio". The slightly pointed portal, created wirthin the 13th century, has eight archivolts and 122 different icons. On the left side is an insight view into hell, demons and devils at work. Two tall devils torture a small guy with two-pronged forks. The person is holding a rectangular object in his hand, what could be a (damaged) Roman abacus. In case this is right, the scene depicts, what fraudulent mathematicians have to expect. Here is what Wiki knows about the Roman abacus:

Tudela - Catedral de Santa Maria

16 Jan 2014 1 195
The Catedral de Santa Maria in Tudela was erected late 12th century on the place, where the Great Mosque of Tudela (9th c.) had stood before. The cathedral is really large (65m x 52m) but unfortunately was closed, so I could not see the well known cloister. I was very impressed by the late-Romanesque "Puerta del Juicio". The slightly pointed portal, created wirthin the 13th century, has eight archivolts and 122 different icons. Here on the right side an insight view into hell. Demons and devils at work.

Tudela - Catedral de Santa Maria

16 Jan 2014 1 145
The Catedral de Santa Maria in Tudela was erected late 12th century on the place, where the Great Mosque of Tudela (9th c.) had stood before. The cathedral is really large (65m x 52m) but unfortunately was closed, so I could not see the well known cloister. I was very impressed by the western late-Romanesque "Puerta del Juicio", seen here. The slightly pointed portal has eight archivolts and 122 different icons. I will upload some detailed photos taken here. Here is more information - including the opening hours: