Jim O'Neil's photos with the keyword: manga

Practice, practice, practice!!

01 Jul 2010 148
So, so, so! Just in case I decide I wanna be a manga artist when I grow up, I figure I better start practicing the style. Sigh, I know if Kumikosan, or Tomosan, or Marikosan or Shinsan look at this, any or all of them will say (Hiroshisan and Natsuosan won't say, they're much too polite- but they'll think it!): "Darnit Jim! For Balloon you shoulda used the 気 球 kanji, not 風船! Also in 'where' (何処) your stroke order was all wrong!! Don't you know anything?" Yea, yea, guys, go ahead, pick on the poor gaijin, I've got broad shoulders! -grin- Brush pen on 12 by 12 inch colored stock.