Andrew Trundlewagon's photos with the keyword: heron

Heron fishing DSC 9333

13 Aug 2023 11 5 111
A heron fishing in a woodland stream.

heron launch DSC 5976

heron-DSC 6052 edited

18 Aug 2022 11 7 146
A blue heron. It was very focused on whatever it had seen in the water and let me get closer than usual.

heron lily pads DSC 1111

28 Jul 2016 4 341
A great blue heron sits among the lily pads hunting frogs. (Parc St Bruno, near Montreal).

heron standing st bruno 2016 DSC 0332

24 Jun 2016 16 7 534
A blue heron standing in the morning sunshine.

heron flying st bruno 15 august 2015 DSC 5085

15 Aug 2015 7 3 553
This great blue heron ( Ardea herodias ) flew past us on a lakeside in Parc St Bruno (near Montreal). They are big birds with a wingspan that can be 2 metres.

blue heron june 2014 DSC 8168