Andrew Trundlewagon's photos with the keyword: papillion

black swallowtail DSC 4425 edited edited

25 Jul 2022 7 3 119
An eastern black swallowtail butterfly

gdn cabbage white DSC 1466

06 Aug 2021 14 3 162
A very frequent garden visitor, a cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae).

CSC 4932a

16 Jul 2019 2 235
An Eastern comma butterfly, showing signs of wear and tear.

White Admiral Northeastern Jun2 6 2015 DSC 1657

07 Jun 2015 6 1 376
A White Admiral butterfly sunning on a woodside path. ( Limenitis arthemis )

Papilio palinurus Machaon émeraude CSC 0671

24 Mar 2015 4 347
An iridescent green butterfly seen at the "Papillons en liberté" butterfly exhibit in the botanic garden Montreal.

Papilio lowi great yellow Mormon DSC 0609

24 Mar 2015 6 398
A "Yellow Mormon" butterfly seen at the butterfly exhibit, "Papillons en liberté" in the botanic garden Montreal.

Pink rose Voilier Pachliopta kotzebueaDSC 0516

23 Mar 2015 2 350
This is a large black and red butterfly from an exhibition of butterflies that is held every year in the Botanic Garden, Montreal, called "Papillons en liberté"