Andrew Trundlewagon's photos with the keyword: eyes

The hunter and the hunted DSC 0621 1x

10 Nov 2024 16 14 140
The hunter and the hunted. A hawk feeding in the woods, St, Bruno, Quebec.

owl DSC 6166 edited

21 Aug 2022 15 10 171
A barred owl (Strix varia; chouette rayée), It had noticed something below and moved to get a better look at it, but either decided it wasn't worth the effort to hunt down or was a false alarm as nothing else happened. The woods are dark so the lighting is not great.

st bruno november 2020 deer DSC 7900 X

09 May 2021 9 5 171
A white tailed deer from last autumn.

owl St Bruno Jan 5 2019 DSC 1152-3

07 Jan 2019 8 1 343
A barred owl, perched in the woods, St. Bruno, January. (Chouette rayée, Strix varia).

squirrel DSC 3546

08 Oct 2018 9 1 268
One of the squirrels that live in our garden. They have learned that if they come close to the kitchen window and stare in they will almost certainly receive a few nuts as a treat. It has become a ritual. Un écureuil qui habite dans notre jardin. Il sait qu'en posant près de la fenêtre de la cuisine, il recevra, plus que probablement, des noix comme un cadeau. C'est devenu un rituel.

St Bruno Deer DSC 1885

20 Aug 2018 7 1 226
A deer behind a bush, along the path in the woods, St. Bruno.