Andrew Trundlewagon's photos with the keyword: wood

America Cancer-Root-Conophilus_DSC 5262 edited

25 Jun 2023 5 4 99
Not a great beauty, this is the rather ominously named American cancer-root (Conopholis americana), a plant of the dark woods that spends most of its life below ground parasitizing the roots of oak trees. It emerges as spikes of creamy white flowers that lack both leaves and chlorophyll as it gains all its nutrients from its host. It’s a member of the broomrape family and is native to Eastern Canada and the USA. Apparently, it doesn't harm the oak trees, and lives for only ten years, which is not long in the life of an oak.

woodpeaker st bruno nov 2020-CSC 7975

15 Nov 2020 7 2 172
Female hairy woodpecker.

light on dark forest floor DSC 3553

23 Jun 2019 3 1 204
Light and dark on the forest floor.

treecreeper st bruno oct 2018 DSC 3957

26 Oct 2018 7 2 223
We came across this little tree creeper hunting for bugs in a rotting tree stump. She was very active and the photo is not quite as sharp as I would have hoped but I enjoyed watching her so much that I am going to up load her anyway.

Puzzle bear DSC 1833

dutchmans breeches may st bruno DSC 0608

13 May 2015 337
These are called Dutchman’s breeches, a spring flower of the forest floor. The flowers are pollenated by bumble bees. Other insects bite holes in the flowers to get at the pollen and nectar but this doesn’t pollenate them. The seeds are taken by ants to their nests. They eat the outer coating but dispose of the seeds in the nest “garbage dump”. The seeds grow there, safe in the nest and feeding on the ant nest detritus. St Bruno near Montreal.

cats and dog DSC 0165

21 Feb 2015 254
toy cats and wind up dog, still life