Andrew Trundlewagon's photos with the keyword: hibiscus

hibiscus DSC 2022.-a

02 Sep 2021 21 18 167
An hibiscus after the rain. We take it out in summer and keep it indoors through the winter.

hibiscus 2 DSC0435

02 Apr 2020 5 3 180
The snow has only just gone here so there are still no garden flowers. This is an indoor plant. The flower only lasted two days but it was nice while it lasted.

CSC 4013

26 Oct 2018 3 3 167
Autumn passing into winter. The last roses of the year, an hibiscus and some fruit.

hibiscus CSC 2032

hibiscus 2

CSC 9505

18 Oct 2014 2 4 450
The reproductive parts, male and female, of an hibiscus flower.