Cameron's photos with the keyword: Odonata

Libelle - Blaugrüne Mosaikjungfer (Wilhelma)

28 Jul 2015 225
I caught this large dragonfly (body about 7-8cm, wing span even larger) in the open air in Stuttgart/Germany. My first guess was Anax imperator, but there is no brown stripe along the abdomen. My next guess - which has been confirmed by now - is Aeshna cyanea .

Libelle (Wilhelma)

28 Jul 2015 223
I caught this large dragonfly (body about 7-8cm, wing span even larger) in the open air in Stuttgart/Germany. My first guess was Anax imperator, but there is no brown stripe along the abdomen. My next guess - which has been confirmed by now - is Aeshna cyanea .

Hufeisen-Azurjungfer (Wilhelma)

Libelle bei der Eiablage

Hufeisen-Azurjungfer (Wilhelma)

Libelle (Wilhelma)

Am Seerosenteich der Wilhelma

Große Königslibelle (Zoom Erlebniswelt)

10 Jun 2011 162
I saw this dragonfly on a pond in a zoo in Mid-Germany. It's several cm long - 6 or more, I guess.