Dinesh's photos with the keyword: THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO

Thus wrote Wallace

08 Jul 2023 2 51

Crooked timber

21 Oct 2021 2 1 74
Out of the crooked timber of humanity no straight thing was ever made ~ Immanuel Kant web.itu.edu.tr/~girayg/comprehensive/docs/Kant%20-%20Idea%20for%20a%20Universal%20History%20....pdf

Ejecting an intruder

An orangutan attacked by Dayaks

28 Jun 2023 1 63
Ancient Bas-relief

Pitcher Plant

30 Dec 2018 1 89
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitcher_plant . . . Jonathan Smith has pointed out, in Darwin’s books about botany, there is something about Darwin’s preoccupation with the ordinary that extends beyond realism. Darwin’s preoccupation with the aberrant and the unique and the grotesque (as traces of indicators of large movements and significances) extends in the botany books to the study of plants that are truly, as Smith put it, “macabre,” plants that trapped, killed and ate insects;. . . bizarrely ornamented, gaudy colored, fantastically structured flowers that lured insects into unwittingly effecting cross-fertilization: and. . . species with various sexual forms and multiple reproductive possibilities. While these works also embodied a realistic spirit, the literature of the day that most looked like Darwin’s botany was not the realistic novel of Trollope and Eliot, but the “sensation fiction” that flourished in those same decades, the thrilling novels full of shocking crimes and illicit sexuality by Wilkie Collins, Mary Braddon, and others. ~ Page 127