Dinesh's photos with the keyword: The Psychology of Time


02 Feb 2020 79
Ever since the time of Heraclitus, philosophers have tried to define experienced duration by comparing it to a stream. The image is attractive, but if we analyze it we find that it is not a true interpretation of our experience. It does show the evanescence of this experience, but only for an observer who stands on the banks of the stream, outside time. It is also inadequate in other ways. The water flows toward its future, but for the observes it disappears into his past. If we turn to the experience of someone caught in the current, the change is on the banks and the stream can no longer be compared with time (Mereau-Ponty, 1945) This metaphor also does not allow a representation of the different moments of time, especially if these correspond to several series of changes. It is difficult to conceptualize becoming. ~ Page 283

A child's times

Unified pluralities of instants