Dinesh's photos with the keyword: author

Alexander von Humboldt

09 Sep 2024 1 24

Young Woman - C.1485

17 Sep 2023 1 53
Domenico Ghirlandaio en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domenico_Ghirlandaio

Luca Pacioli

25 Jan 2022 2 1 85
This portrait of Luca Pacioli, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luca_Pacioli often mistakenly attributed to Jacopo de Barbari, was apparently painted in 1495 (the slip of paper on the desk gives the date). Pacioli is teaching from Euclid, and a copy of one of his own books on mathematics is in the right foreground. This is how mathematics was taught in the Renaissance and indeed for centuries afterwards

βάτραχος / Batrachos

14 Nov 2022 2 56



11 Nov 2022 1 60

Page 175

07 Apr 2022 1 62
21 Feb 2022 48
On the fields of Cajamarca, November 16, 1532, Francisco Pizarro and his 167 men annihilated some seven thousand Incas and took emperor-elected Atahualpha prisoner


18 Mar 2020 5 100
Gorbachev and Yeltsin at the Extraordinary Congress of Peoples Deputies, September 3, 1991

Use of fire

06 Aug 2019 2 58

Figure 12.6 Albert Einstein with Kurt Godel

Ockham’s Razor

13 Sep 2019 2 87
plato.stanford.edu/entries/ockham The English Scholastic William of Ockham (1287-1347) had stated that one should never assume more entities than necessary. This principle became known as Occam’s razor. Mach had adored it, for it epitomized the economy of thought that he had always sought. Hahn, too embraced the principle, and put it to work in his essay. Superfluous, he said, are all the “shadowy half-beings” encumbering our brain, such as universals, empty space, empty time, substance, Thing-in-itself, the beyond, and of course gods and demons. Away with them all” wrote Hans Hahn ~Page 150

Mach's Ego Inspecting itself.

Mylodon darwinii *

16 Feb 2016 2 47
Image from the Book www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcyGIwJXGLw

20 items in total