Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Foundation


03 Feb 2022 2 42
It’s analgesic. It is anti-microbial, so you treat all your wounds with wine. The tannins and so on in the wine set up a perfect environment for healing wounds ~ Pat McGovern


11 Apr 2023 2 2 113
An image of Joan of Arc, or 'the Maid of Orleans,' whose victories in 1429 anticipated the English expulsion from the towns and cities of France two decades later I am not afraid,. . . i was born to do this. ~ Joan of Arc


03 Apr 2023 1 55
www.sciencehistory.org/distillations/medicinal-leeches-and-where-to-find-them A blood-letting. The Doctor would taste the blood of his patient. Healthy blood was slightly sweet


03 Apr 2023 2 4 73
Queen Isabella, errant wife of Edward II, being received by her brother Charles le Bel in France www.englishmonarchs.co.uk/plantagenet_27.html


02 Apr 2023 1 1 57
The Black Death, reaching England in the autumn of 1348, killed approximately 2 million people. they had never been mortality on such a scale, nor has there been since.


31 Mar 2023 1 1 53
The Venerable Bede in his scriptorium. His most famous work ‘The Ecclesiastical History of English People,’ earned him the title of “The Father of English History” www.gutenberg.org/files/38326/38326-h/38326-h.html

Knight, Death and the Devil by Albrecht Durer, 151…


08 Jun 2013 1 1 228

13th Century House