Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Evolution

26 Nov 2023 1 2 48
Cells build proteins in a three-step process. First, the cell copies its double standard DNA into a single-strand version called RNA. Then it ships the RNA to a protein-building factory called a ribosome. There, in the final step, the RNA acts as a template for the ribosome as it builds a string of amino acids, creating a protein

Out of Africa

26 Nov 2023 2 2 76
Fossil and genetic evidence suggest that modern humans emerged from Africa around 50,000 years ago and spread over the Old World
26 Nov 2023 2 48
A painting inspired by the 1912 cholera epidemic during the Balkar Wars en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkan_Wars

Homo ergaster

24 Nov 2023 2 50
a 1.7 million-old hominid, is considered the earliest species to warrant the term human
24 Nov 2023 2 48
Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) discovered in 1928 that a mold was killing the bacteria in his petri dish by producing a compound called penicillin (bottom) Fleming rightly warned that bacteria could evolve resistance to it if the drug wasn't properly prescribed.

Walking Whale

02 Nov 2023 1 49
Ambulocetus, a 45-million-year-old whale, still retained the legs of its ancestors. It may have lived like an alligator, basking on land and ambushing prey in the water
23 Nov 2023 1 55
This evolutionary tree, based on DNA, shows how an ancestral ape gave rise to orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans. The length of the branches reflects how far the genes of each population of apes have diverged from their relatives. Humans, the tree reveals, are barely distinguishable on a genetic level from bonobos and chimpanzees
23 Nov 2023 5 1 66
Paleontologist Phil Gingarich (left) has discoverd ancien whales with legs in Egypt (shown here) as well as Pakistan .................................................................................................................................................... . . . . paleontologists found a steady supply of fossil of wales, but even the oldest specimens, dating back more than 40 million years, were fundamentally like whales today. They had long backbones, hands in the shape of flippers, and no back legs. Their teeth were another matter, though. Living whales have either no teeth or simple pegs. The oldest whales had teeth that had the cusps and bumps of mammals on land. They looked particularly like the teeth of extinct line of mammals called mesonychids. These animals were hoofed mammals – relatives , in other words, of cows and horses – but they had powerful teeth and strong necks adapted for a life of eating meat, which they got either by scavenging or hunting. ~ Page 136 In the border zone between land and sea, many species of walking whales arose. Some were adapted for wading, others for diving. For the most part these lineages became extinct, for reason that may never be known. But one lineage of whales adapted to life farther out to sea. It produced species such as Rodhocetus, a whale Gingerich found in Pakistan that had stu;bby legs and hips that were barely connected to the spine. In the water it could have raised and lowered its tail and trunk together, swimming like whales do today. Modern whales vastly improve their swimming performance with the flukes at the end of their tails, made of connective tissue. Because that sort of flesh rarely fosslizes, no one known if Rodhocetus already had flukes to help it along. ~ Page sd139/140
23 Nov 2023 2 1 60
The Evolutionary tree of Whales offer clues to how coyote-like mammals gradually adopted to life in the ocean www.ideastream.org/news/health-science/2014-08-04/in-search-of-walking-whales
19 Sep 2023 1 36
Reconstruction – this is the oldest known ceremonial burial using red ochre. Now an arid desert region, this was a fertile series of lakes, 40,000 years ago, around which some of the first Australians lived, hunting kangaroos, and collecting fish and shellfish from the lakes


Genes, mitochondria, hormones etc

05 Feb 2023 2 2 39
. . . .All women, O, are beautiful,” wrote Theodore Roethke, “when they are half-undressed” The same applies to Truth itself ~ Page 7 “HOMO MYSTERIOUS”

Darwin's study

10 Mar 2021 1 32
Image from “Evolution, Triumph of an idea”

Georges Cuvier 1769-1832

09 Mar 2021 2 104
Georges Cuvier made fossils the subject of serious scientific study for the first time in history. he demonstrated that in many cases they belonged to species that had become extinct