Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Beauty

A charming woman - Ramaleela grounds, Beneras, Ind…

29 Oct 2023 2 71
A charming village woman on Ramalila grounds, Benaras en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramlila en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varanasi en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_definitions_of_races_in_India It is indeed hard to define facial beauty. Generally on the internet it is observed that 1. Having good skin. 2. Looking clean. 3. Being fairly well presented. 4. Adequate self-care. 5. Bright eyes. 6.Thick hair are essential. I think these features are essentially Cocasian. {Who are classed as Caucasian? Following Meiners, Blumenbach described the Caucasian race as consisting of the native inhabitants of Europe, West Asia, the Indian peninsula, and North Africa} ~ Source: Internet

California Girl

Green vision

19 Aug 2013 8 16 156
HFF Have a great week end

Hill side stream

13 Mar 2023 6 4 64
Instincts, we tend to think, are automatic, unconscious patterns of behavior. The spiders’s web that glistens in the morning dew was dictated by a genetic code in the spider’s tiny brain. The web may be a lovely sight to our eyes, but its beauty is a mere by-product of a spider’s way of enjoying breakfast. From the standpoint of either the spider or the human observer, such pretty accidents of nature are a long way from how we normally regard works of art. ~ Dennis Dutton en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denis_Dutton

Wares on the wall

04 Jul 2020 5 5 85
HWW Best wishes

Wares on the wall

04 Jul 2020 5 4 87
HWW Have a great day