Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Peter Ackroyd


08 Apr 2021 1 32
H2O is the molecular formula of water, also called Dihydrogen monoxide. Old English wæter (noun), wæterian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch water, German Wasser, from an Indo-European root shared by Russian voda (compare with vodka), also by Latin unda ‘wave’ and Greek hudōr ‘water’. The Greek cognate húdōr ('water') is the basis of numerous English words with the prefix hydr-, including hydrate, hydrant, hydrangea, hydraulic, hydrogen (the element that generates water when oxidised), hydrocarbon, hydroelectric, hydrofoil and a whole host of more specialized scientific words.

Morris Dance

13 Jun 2013 1 82

Morris Dance

13 Jun 2013 131

Board High School

18 Oct 2015 1 138
The System of "Board Schools" was introduced in 1800s, under Gladstone Administration in U.K The same title and system continues even today in my native State -- Karnataka.


22 Nov 2017 2 2 253
The below excerpt is from PENDULUM ~ Leon Foucault and the Triumph of Science - Author Amir D. Aczel


26 Mar 2017 1 165
Originally it used gas, not electricity ~ As per the note below the Chandelier

Pippa's Song

12 Aug 2023 4 2 73
Pippa's Song is a short lyric poem. Its story centers on a fourteen-year-old girl, Pippa, who works in a silk mill. She was an orphan girl. She was abused by her employer and by society. (Source WWW) {In High School my English teacher, while teaching us this poem, told Pippa had to work 12 hours a day, 364 days in a year. She had one day off in the whole year, and she sings this song, early morning, on the day when she was off }


07 Aug 2023 5 1 68
BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION The First edition. 1859. Darwin called it his “abominable volume” during the writing, but upon publication it became “my child” Origin on line PDF www.gutenberg.org/files/1228/1228-h/1228-h.htm


03 Feb 2022 2 51
It’s analgesic. It is anti-microbial, so you treat all your wounds with wine. The tannins and so on in the wine set up a perfect environment for healing wounds ~ Pat McGovern


31 Mar 2023 1 1 59
The Venerable Bede in his scriptorium. His most famous work ‘The Ecclesiastical History of English People,’ earned him the title of “The Father of English History” www.gutenberg.org/files/38326/38326-h/38326-h.html

Knight, Death and the Devil by Albrecht Durer, 151…