Dinesh's photos with the keyword: amis

As the Nature made it

βάτραχος / Batrachos

24 Jun 2013 4 1 196
Come on let us see All the real flowers of this Sorrowful world ~ Basho


19 Jun 2013 246
Friendship Arch was erected by the District of Columbia & the Municipality of Beijing, 1986

Spring time

. . . like a smile of a wind

18 Nov 2019 10 5 183
Why, when this span of life might be fleeted away as laurel, a little darker than all the surrounding green, with tiny waves on the border of every leaf (like the smile of a wind): -- Oh, why have to be human, and shunning Destiny, / long for Destiny! … Not because happiness really exists, that precipitate profit of imminent loss. ……. ~ Rilke But meanwhile more bacteria like things were turning up inside cells. Plants, for example, have a second set of blobs in their cells that they use to carry out photosynthesis, they capture incoming sun-light and use its energy to combine water and carbon dioxide into organic manner. And like mitochondria, chloroplasts bear a striking resemblance to bacteria. Some scientists became convinced that chloroplasts were, like mitochondria, a form of symbolic bacteria -- specially, that they descended from cyanobacteria, he light-harnessing microbes that live in oceans and freshwater. ~112 ~ Excerpt from” “Evolution - A Triumph of An Idea” ~ Author ~ Carl Zimmer

To a Butterfly

14 Aug 2013 134
I've watched you now a full half-hour; Self-poised upon that yellow flower And, little Butterfly! Indeed I know not if you sleep or feed. How motionless! - not frozen seas More motionless! and then What joy awaits you, when the breeze Hath found you out among the trees, And calls you forth again! ~William Wordsworth,

Cupid's Span

08 Dec 2014 9 10 331
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cupid%27s_Span A Happy Fence Friday to you all and a week end Yes, there is a fence on the lower right side in the "note"


15 Jun 2013 1 268

Puppy and friends

18 Oct 2021 7 4 73
The typewriter was invented in 1868 and its use became widespread in the decades thereafter, creating a demand for typists and secretaries, often considered a suitable and ‘respectable’ female occupation. In the 1870s barely one bride in ten was over thirty on her wedding day; by the Edwardian period (specifically 1906-11) the share was nearly twice as high. ~ Page 75 - "The Human Tide" Author : Paul Moreland

Ready for a dive

Summer Morning

05 Oct 2021 11 6 93
O hushed October morning mild, Thy leaves have ripened to the fall; Tomorrow’s wind, if it be wild, Should waste them all. ......................

28 items in total