Nora Caracci's photos with the keyword: bell tower

El Poblenou del delta

14 Jun 2014 12 3 988
El poble es caracteritza pels seus carrers enjardinats, les cases típiques amb un pati interior dintre amb les seves façanes blanques. Les referències més antigues de la zona són del segle XVI i parlen sobre la pesca, l'aprofitament de la sosa i sobre les pastures dels ramats que per mitjà de lligallos baixaven a hivernar des de les muntanyes. Les notícies més antigues de l'àrea on s'ubica el Poble Nou del Delta fan referència a la recol·lecció de la sal i la pesca. Al llarg dels segles XVI-XVII es desenvolupen altres activitats com l'aprofitament de sosa i les pastures. English: Pedania de Amposta de Poble Nou de la Delta, was founded originally as Villafranco del Delta, by the National Institute of Colonization for the marine areas, by the pro-Franco government, in the year 1957. it is made up of a hundred terraced rural houses of rural, inhabited by about 250 people, with good services and pleasant streets lined with leafy palms. Their resources are in agriculture, fishing and a rising tourist activity. The little village that has the name of Poble Nou is located within the Delta of the Ebro . Along with its architectonic structures of total uniformity, aesthetically totally different from the surroundings, is a small “colonial” type town, completely white. clickable: Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

El Poblenou del delta

14 Jun 2014 22 7 736
piccolo paese nato sulle terre conquistate al mare dal delta dell'Ebro. Caratteristiche le sue vie affiancate da palme e le sue case basse con patio interno, rigorosamente tutte bianche. Mi aveva colpito questa chiesa essenziale dal campanile spartano, molto suggestivo. Archivi di viaggio. English: Pedania de Amposta de Poble Nou de la Delta, was founded originally as Villafranco del Delta, by the National Institute of Colonization for the marine areas, by the pro-Franco government, in the year 1957. it is made up of a hundred terraced rural houses of rural, inhabited by about 250 people, with good services and pleasant streets lined with leafy palms. Their resources are in agriculture, fishing and a rising tourist activity. The little village that has the name of Poble Nou is located within the Delta of the Ebro . Along with its architectonic structures of total uniformity, aesthetically totally different from the surroundings, is a small “colonial” type town, completely white. Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci