eigjb's photos with the keyword: Fox 265

265 PC-9M Irish Air Corps

28 Sep 2009 323
"Fox 265" turning finals @ Baldonnel 28/09/09. Sadly, it crashed just two weeks later on October 12th near Cornamona, Co.Galway with the loss of the two crew. May they RIP.

265 PC-9M Irish Air Corps

16 May 2009 225
Baldonnel 15/05/2009. Sadly, this aircraft crashed near Maam Cross, Co.Galway on 12/10/09 with the loss of both aircrew. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anamacha dílis.

265 PC-9M Irish Air Corps

29 May 2013 278
'Fox 265' in the circuit at Baldonnel 28/09/09. Just two weeks later this aircraft was destroyed when it crashed in Co.Galway with the loss of both crewmen. May they rest in peace.