PopKulture's photos with the keyword: potato

Golden G

16 Apr 2012 152
Vintage Golden "G" potato sack from Arthur Gerber & Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho.


16 Apr 2012 189
Vintage Gas brand potato sack from A.G. Stuart Company, Shelley, Idaho.

Western potatoes

16 Apr 2012 160
Vintage Western brand potato sack from Golden Sands Farms, Plover, Wisconsin.

Be wise!

16 Apr 2012 173
Vintage Who-o! Who-o! brand potato sack manufactured by Fulton Bags, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Top 5

16 Apr 2012 195
Vintage Top 5 brand potato sack from Pete Borba and Sons, Ontario-Chino, California.

U.S. No. 1

18 Apr 2012 155
Vintage MBC brand potato sack from Murlas Bros. Company, Chicago, Illinois.


16 Apr 2012 166
Vintage Nodak brand potato sack from Associated Potato Growers, Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Tastee Taters

18 Apr 2012 161
This one needs some ironing, and I wish the illustration "popped" better, since it's a sentimental choice. Vintage Tastee Taters brand potato sack from William Gehring, Rensselar, Indiana.

Bison brand

18 Apr 2012 169
Vintage Bison brand potato sack from Pinnacle Produce, Monte Vista, Colorado.

Lamp Lighter

18 Apr 2012 151
An outdated occupation makes for a charming design! Vintage Lamp Lighter brand potato sack from Alpine Potato Company, Hooper, Colorado.

Hart of Texas

18 Apr 2012 156
Greetings from the panhandle! Vintage Hart brand potato sack from Smith Potato, Inc., Hart, Texas.

No. 1 Aristocrat

18 Apr 2012 171
Vintage Aristocrat brand potato sack from Walters Produce Inc., Newdale, Idaho.

It's a hit!

19 Apr 2012 156
Vintage Big Hit brand potato sack from Laxdal and Thorleifson, Edinburg, North Dakota. That swing is part Johnny Mize, part Ted Williams!

Sun Valley

19 Apr 2012 194
It's hard to imagine a cooler, more colorful potato sack than this! Vintage Sun Valley brand potato sack from Sun Valley Potatoes Inc., Paul, Idaho.


19 Apr 2012 189
It's hard to imagine what a buccaneer would be doing all the way up in Idaho, but I guess the message here is that these spuds belong more in a treasure chest than a burlap sack. I guess I can dig it. Vintage Taube's Gild-Edge brand potato sack from L.S. Taube and Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho.