PopKulture's photos with the keyword: Astrology

Planetary love parade

05 Aug 2017 1 222
Everyday Astrology - November 1943 issue. Cover art by Alex Schomburg.

Scroll of prophecy

05 Aug 2017 1 206
Everyday Astrology - March 1943 issue. Cover art by Alex Schomburg.

Transit of Jupiter

05 Aug 2017 1 218
Everyday Astrology - June 1944 issue. Cover art by Alex Schomburg.


20 Dec 2008 160
From the publishers of Phantom Detective, Texas Rangers, and Thrilling Wonder Stories comes Everyday Astrology , which, in 1940, while America was still isolated, was asking far-reaching questions about Europe after Hitler.


21 Dec 2008 131
This September 1940 issue of Everyday Astrology features a more modern take on ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.


21 Dec 2008 148
This vintage issue of Everyday Astrology addresses tough questions like "Will Democracy Triumph?" Everyday Astrology - October 1940 issue.


21 Dec 2008 144
This petite-footed lovely gives this infantryman something to think about before he's off to war. If the soldier looks sort of familiar, it might be that you recognize his type from various other WWII comic book covers by Alex Schomburg starring the likes of the Human Torch and Captain America! Everyday Astrology - August 1944 issue.


21 Dec 2008 127
The symbolism is rampant and history itself seems to hang in the balance as a more ominous manifestation of Libra stands in judgment over a German soldier. Everyday Astrology - October 1943 issue. Cover art by famed comic book artist Alex Schomburg.


24 Dec 2008 164
A wonderful, surreal montage by Alex Schomburg adorns this August 1945 issue of Everyday Astrology. Contrast this with earlier line-drawn covers by Schomburg for this title, and you'll see that this is quite a departure!


24 Dec 2008 151
This June 1945 cover of Everday Astrology features a fascinating surreal treatment by Alex Schomburg, perhaps better known for his drawings of the Human Torch than amorphous hourglasses!


20 Aug 2009 176
Vintage arcade flyer for Planetellus, a highly stylized horoscope vendor manufactured by Bally in the 1930's.