tarboat's photos with the keyword: rosedale

Rosedale East

28 Aug 2018 2 353
Rosedale East ironstone mine opened in 1864 and the far bank of four calciners was erected immediately. Stone was mined through a series of drifts in the hillside above and these were ventilated by the chimney in the right background. Mining ended here in 1926 and then the calcining dust was removed from in front of the kilns. The derelict building in the foreground appears to have been a cabin associated with the railway serving the mines.

Rosedale West calciners

11 Jan 2018 2 1 425
At Bank Top, above Rosedale Abbey an inclined tramway from Hollins Mines transported iron ore up around 400ft to these large kilns just below the North Eastern Railway branch terminus. The ore was tipped into the kilns from above to be calcined to drive off water and carbonic acid gas. This process dramatically reduces the weight of the ironstone which in turn reduces transport costs and royalties. Initially using locally mined poor coal, later the empty wagons returning from the ironworks in County Durham brought coal for the calcination process. Much of the masonry of the kilns survives but all the shutters and ironwork have long gone. The calcination process produces a lot of dust which is rich in iron oxide; this was recovered from 1920 onwards.

Rosedale calciners

24 May 2017 2 1 477
Rosedale East ironstone mine opened in 1864 and this bank of four calciners was erected immediately. Stone was mined through a series of drifts in the hillside above and these were ventilated by the chimney. A further set of calciners was constructed shortly afterwards and the remains of these lie off to the left of this photo. Mining ended here in 1926 and then the calcining dust was removed from in front of the kilns.

1 IN 3

23 Apr 2011 215
Not many of these left in action these days. Spotted when on the way to Rosedale in North Yorkshire.