tarboat's photos with the keyword: buckley

Corrugated church

23 May 2017 1 433
Church of the Good Shepherd, Drury, Buckley, Flintshire. A nineteenth century mission church which is still in use.

South Buckley Co

14 Apr 2011 380
The South Buckley Coal & Firebrick Co was registered in February 1866 to open and operate a colliery and brickworks on land to the west of Buckley. It appears that the colliery was the first business to be developed and the brickworks did not commence operations until the 1870s. Financial problems followed and the works passed to the Main Coal & Cannel Co around July 1877 although this company was also unsuccessful and the company was dissolved after being taken over by David Evans, a Liverpool brickmaker and builder. The works, along with that of his North Buckley Colliery and Firebrick Co were sold in 1881 to the newly formed North & South Buckley Colliery, Brick & Tile Co Ltd.

North & South Buckley

14 Apr 2011 323
The North & South Buckley Colliery, Brick & Tile Co Ltd was incorporated in 1881 and absorbed the South Buckley Coal & Firebrick Co and the North Buckley Colliery and Firebrick Co. The South Buckley works flourished and expanded to the extent that it outgrew the collieries and was renamed as the South Buckley Rock Brick Co in the early 1890s.

Rock Brick Co, Buckley

14 Apr 2011 308
A glazed product of the South Buckley Rock Brick Co which operated under this name from the early 1890s until the closure of the works in 1914. Fireclay was supplied along with coal for the kilns from the adjacent colliery. When the colliery closed in 1909 the clay and coal was brought by a tramroad from the associated North Buckley site, which had been rename as West Buckley Colliery by this time.

Rock Brick Co, Buckley

14 Apr 2011 593
A product of the South Buckley Rock Brick Co which operated under this name from the early 1890s until the closure of the works in 1914. Fireclay was supplied along with coal for the kilns from the adjacent colliery. When the colliery closed in 1909 the clay and coal was brought by a tramroad from the associated North Buckley site, which had been rename as West Buckley Colliery by this time.

Rock Brick Co, Buckley obverse

14 Apr 2011 319
The South Buckley Rock Brick Co always made a play of being near to Chester, presumably to gain marketing advantage in Cheshire.

E Parry & Sons Ld, Buckley

14 Dec 2010 630
Edward Parry, manager at the Ewloe Hall Colliery, established his brickworks in 1860 at Ewloe Wood, although production may not have commenced until 1863. The works was particularly noted fordark blue pavers and specialised products including their " Acidio " brick for chemical works. In 1902 the company became E Parry & Sons Ltd. The business struggled to remain viable for many years and was finally acquired by Castle Firebrick Co in 1944. The works finally closed in the 1960s. This particular brick is an example of their " Dragon brand " firebricks. Parrys specialised in producing lining bricks for cement kilns. This one was found at a limekiln at Flagstaff Quarry on Anglesey.

The Buckley Beast

19 May 2010 3 366
This evening I was in Buckley looking at industrial things when I espied two of these fine beasts sitting high up on a shop premises that looked as if it might well have been a Co-operative stores at one time. I have no idea what this mythical beast is meant to represent, but it is certainly top quality terracotta work.

Obsidianite Regd Acid Proof

05 Apr 2010 399
Another example of an Obsidianite brick from Charles Davison & Co, Ewloe Barn Brickworks, Buckley. This one was at the Shotton Steelworks.

'Industria Britannica'

12 Mar 2010 300
Adamantine was one of the trade names used by Charles Davison & Co Ltd, Ewloe Barn Brickworks, Buckley.


12 Mar 2010 327
Obsidianite was one of the trade names used by Charles Davison & Co, Ewloe Barn Brickworks, Buckley. One of their catalogues states: "There appears to be in the USA no product equivalent to Obsidianite manufactured by Charles Davison Co of Buckley, England (sic). The Adamantine quality can be used for chimney and flue building, and is of particular value in withstanding the action of acid laden gases. It is admirable for all kinds of foundation work, manhole linings and culverts. For places where wet conditions exist, Adamantine material is eminently suitable."

Castle New Brickworks, Buckley

08 Apr 2008 440
The original Castle Brickworks was established by William Malcolmson and George Alletson in 1866 with the Castle Firebrick and Coal Company being formed in 1875. In August 1925 the company put an additional new works into production at the former Elm Colliery site. This works concentrated exclusively on the production of building bricks and finally closed in August 1970 as investment in new plant was necessary and demand for bricks had been declining for some years.