Narelle Moreno's photos with the keyword: Sierra Nevada

Watching The World Fly By.2

29 Aug 2008 86
Another taken from the car while doing around 120kph...unedited.

Watching The World Fly By.3

29 Aug 2008 138
Taken from a moving vehicle, zooming and panning, at 120 kph.

Watching The World Fly By

29 Aug 2008 126
Unbelievable!! Taken from the car while doing 120kph! Seems I haven't lost my panning skills from long ago. Sierra Nevada Range, Spain.

Watching The World Fly By.4

29 Aug 2008 107
Taken from car at 120kph. Sierra Nevada, Spain.

Watching The World Fly By.2a(straightened)

29 Aug 2008 114
Taken from a moving vehicle at 120kph....straightened and cropped only. Near Granada, Spain.