Jaap van 't Veen's photos with the keyword: Oud-Uppsala

Sweden - Gamla Uppsala, Kungshögarna

05 Jun 2015 112 64 2166
Gamla Uppsala (Old Uppsala) is a village about 5 km’s north of Uppsala. In the early days (3rd and 4th century and onwards) it was an important centre and well known as the residence of the Swedish kings. During the Middle Ages, it was the largest village of the province of Uppland. Gamla Uppsala became also the spiritual center, when a cathedral was constructed there. People have been buried in Gamla Uppsala for 2.000 years and originally there were more than 2.000 mounds around the village. Nowadays only 250 barrows remain the area, but it is still well known for its archaeological remains. Most famous are the three large barrows dating back to the 5th and 6th century: ‘Kungshögarna’ or Royal mounds. Even after excavations in the late 19th century archaeologists were unable to identify the bodies of the mounds, but they were quite certain the mounds belonged to a royal dynasty. As Sweden’s oldest national symbols, the royal mounds have retained their significance. The three mounds are known today as the Eastern, Middle, and Western Mound.