Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: wings partly spread


21 Sep 2014 267
Three days ago, I finally managed to get out along the Elbow Falls Trail that goes westwards into the beginning of the mountains. This was the first time I had managed to get out there this year and, really on the spur of the moment, that's where I decided to go. The weather called for some sun and some cloud, which sounded good. After the two heavy snowfalls on 9 and 10 September, I wasn't sure what to expect before I reached the beginning of the mountains, but every bit of snow had disappeared. The furthest point of my drive was Forgetmenot Pond, one of my favourite places to go. Too many other people had also decided to come out to this beautiful spot, unfortunately. This drive is the only one I will do on my own into the mountains, and it only takes about an hour to get from home to the Pond. On the return drive, I called in at a place not far from the pond, where I have found a few mushrooms in previous years, and managed to find just a few that were in good enough condition to photograph. Other than that, I didn't see a whole lot during the few hours I was out. The scenery is spectacular and there were patches of trees that have turned yellow. Some of the trees looked as though their leaves were past their fall prime, and I came away wondering if I was a bit too early or a bit too late (seems to be the latter) to see the best of the fall colours. Found this small Moth on an outhouse wall : ) The final place I called in at was Maclean Pond, but the light was fading somewhat and so I didn't feel like going far into the forest. I had just got back into my car when I happened to look up just in time to see a family of beautiful Bluejays not far from the parking lot. Managed to get a few shots, but distant and not as sharp as they should have been. A nice way to end the day, though.

Cabbage White butterfly

18 Aug 2014 1 1 262
I'm not sure, but I think this is a Small Cabbage White, rather than a Large Cabbage White - the black marking on the wing tip is only pale. Also not sure, but I think this is a male. I found other photos on Google showing males with just a very faint second spot. If anyone knows for sure, please do let me know. This was spotted in Carburn Park yesterday morning, 17 August 2014. "The upperside of the wings are clear white with black wing tips, one black spot (two in the female) on the forewing, and a black patch on the leading edge of the hindwing. The underside of the hindwing is a pale mustard-yellow colour. Wingspan: 32 to 47 mm. An almost ubiquitous species of the northern hemisphere, the Cabbage White was first introduced into North America in Quebec in the 1860s. It dramatically spread across the continent in the next few decades. It now ranges in Canada from coast to coast."