Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: P1470697 FZ40

Fungus on a fallen branch

19 Aug 2012 163
Macro photo of a rather beautifully coloured fungus that was growing on a fallen branch in the forest on Rod Handfield's land the day before yesterday, 17 August 2012. A group of us went there for a day of botanizing and mushroom hunting. Though the number of fungi was far less than some previous years, we still managed to find quite a few different species, making the day very worthwhile. Of course, the difficult part now for me is identifying the fungi that I photographed. A list was sent out to us, and so I will be able to put an ID to some of my images, but have not got the ID for this one yet. Thanks for the ID, Art! Violet Toothed Polypore /Trichaptum biformis.