Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: violet to blue

Blue-eyed Grass

15 Jun 2014 1 219
On Thursday, 12 June 2014, I drove westwards to the eastern edge of the mountains, along Elbow Falls Trail (Highway 66) as far as Maclean Pond. I did a very slow walk, finding just a few things to photograph. I was surprised at how few wildflowers were in bloom - this was the only tiny Blue-eyed Grass that I noticed. The main plant was the Dandelion, so it was obviously too early after our late spring. Also found a very few Shootingstars, several Valerian flowers, an occasional cluster of Mouse-eared Chickweed, and not much else. I drove home via the backroads SW of Calgary, where I photographed a pair of Mountain Bluebirds, a Tree Swallow, a Brewer's Blackbird, a Black Tern that was perched on a fence post, and a Snipe.

Blue-eyed Grass / Sisyrinchium montanum

06 Nov 2010 155
The flower of the Blue-eyed Grass wildflower are so pretty and so small. Each flower is about 2 cm diameter, with six purplish tepals with a yellowish base and yellow stamens. This species belongs to the Iridaceae family. The flowers close in the afternoon, and then are far more difficult to find. Photographed (macro) this one near the Ing's Mine parking lot, off Elbow Falls Trail (Highway 66), west of the city, on July 17th.

Blue-eyed Grass

17 Jul 2010 2 2 440
OK, I'm happy - I think this photo shows that it IS possible for me (I know others can do it) to take reasonable photos outdoors with the Raynox 250. I didn't bother to carry my mini, table-top tripod this time, so this image was hand-held, with a light breeze. These Blue-eyed Grass flowers are so gorgeous. The flower of the Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium montanum/Sisyrinchium angustifolium) is only about 1 cm or less than 1/2 inch in diameter, and the plant is a member of the Iris family. Photographed this one today, when I went along Elbow Fall Trails into the beginning of the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains and called in at the Ing Mine's parking lot area. I was so disappointed today, as I overslept by almost two and a half hours and so missed a lovely day of botanizing with friends at Bow Valley Provincial Park. I had been waiting a year to get back to this particular area. It is a popular area for wildflowers, but is also a great place for birding.