Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Common Sargeant

Common Sargeant

29 Nov 2014 234
A photo from my archives, taken on 10 May 2010 in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. The Common Sergeant (Athyma perius) is a species of nymphalid butterfly found in South Asia and Southeast Asia. As always, ID is not 100% certain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Today, 29 November 2014, the sun is trying its best to come out. Everywhere looks so beautiful in the sunshine, after several more inches of snow fell yesterday and overnight. My car is still at the garage, having a set of winter tires put on. This was expected to be finished yesterday, but I haven't heard anything further. Even if my vehicle had been ready to pick up yesterday late afternoon/evening, I wouldn't have gone, as the weather was awful and the roads treacherous. The temperature is -22C (-8CF) with a windchill of -31C (-24F). Stay warm, everyone!

Common Sargeant / Athyma perius

03 Oct 2013 1 1 278
A photo from my archives, taken on 30 April 2012, in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. Sadly, this building and all the main part of the Zoo are still closed as a result of the dreadful damage caused by Alberta's Flood of the Century back in June. Only the north part of the Zoo on the "mainland" is now open - the island part will remain closed for some time yet.

Common Sargeant / Athyma perius

18 Oct 2012 190
I think I have the correct ID for this tropical butterfly, seen in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo, on 9 May 2011. Thought the leaves were quite attractive, even though they make for a rather cluttered image.

Common Sargeant / Athyma perius

19 Aug 2012 243
Love that yellow, curled proboscis : ) Another tropical butterfly photographed in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo, on 10 May 2010. As always, ID is not 100% certain.

Common Sargeant, Athyma perius

06 Apr 2012 200
I think I've only ever posted (taken?) one photo of this species before, at the Calgary Zoo, but I suspect it was a recently emerged butterfly and its hind wings were not fully opened, as they were differently shaped to the ones in the image above.

Common Sargeant, Athyma perius

15 Jun 2010 179
Another tropical butterfly seen in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. The Common Sergeant (Athyma perius) is a species of nymphalid butterfly found in South Asia and Southeast Asia.