Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Mountainview

Dwarf Dogwood

17 Feb 2010 148
This native wildflower, Dwarf Dogwood/Bunchberry, makes such an attractive covering for the forest floor. Seen at the Mountainview Sports and Handicapped Centre north west of the city.


22 Feb 2010 137
Nothing spectacular, but I noticed all the narrow stripes on the cap of this ittle mushroom, that is obviously well past its prime : ) Found growing in the forest at the Mountainview Sports and Handicapped Centre, north west of Calgary, on 2nd July last year.

Brightening up the forest

01 Mar 2010 173
I always love to see these tiny, orange fungi in the forest. I thought they were Eyelash fungi, but when I looked more carefully, I couldn't see any little hairs around the rims, so not sure about the ID now. We found these at the Mountainview Sports and Handicapped Centre, north west of Calgary.