Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: May 16th

Bundle of joy

17 May 2009 252
I saw this whole huddle (?) of adorable Canada Goose goslings yesterday, when I went with Ron (Flickrite Ronaldok) down to the Coaldale Bird of Prey Centre near Lethbridge in southern Alberta. They were hanging out with Mom and Dad near one of the ponds at the Centre. We'd been watching several goslings and then suddenly Mom stood up and revealed this tightly packed bundle of downy feathers : )

Swainson's Hawk sitting tall

18 May 2009 189
Just one of the 70+ hawks I saw on Saturday when I went with Ron down to southern Alberta, near Lethbridge, to the Coaldale Bird of Prey Centre. Every few seconds on the drive there and back, we seemed to see yet another Hawk. Just an amazing day! How lucky we are to have all these majestic birds flying our skies and perching on fence posts : )